视频演示: 开发耗时三周 本程序所有的人物控制器,AI逻辑及寻路,关卡流送,以及其他所有玩法相关功能的代码均由Jiawei Peng编写。 本游戏系统玩法设计,角色技能,敌人AI行为,以及关卡设计,均由Jiawei Peng完成。 本程序中出现的防护罩,立场等特效,由Jiawei Peng编写Shader实现其效果。 使用到的第三方素材包如下: 场景美术素材包: Sci-Fi Base Sci Fi Modular Pack 敌人模型素材包: Mech_Constructor_Vehicles Mech_Constructor_Turrets Mech_Constructor_Spiders 角色相关素材包: Stellar Girl Celeste by Ida Faber ClazyFemaleRunnerAnimationPack CLazyRunnerActionAnimPack Mixamo.com RPGSwords Sword Animation 特效素材包: Epic Toon FX Sword slash VFX […]
Description: This is a third-person action game where the player fights with a taijutsu and a bow and arrow, acquiring new weapons and special skills to defeat more powerful alien enemies. Roles: Responsibilities of mine: Challenges I was facing: One […]
Bridge Bridge is a community map designed by me. I hope I could learn the knowledges about the game level design by designed this map. Here is the link: Steam 创意工坊::BridgeBridge (steamcommunity.com)
This is a game made with my hobby club teammates. I responsible for all programming stuff like the gameplay programming, serve programming and Shader. I also do the gameplay design part of this game. Theseus is a four-player co-op first […]
This is a 2D platform horror puzzle game. Here is a video demonstrate: Involved in level design and all programming job in the project.
Tools:Unity,VS,Maya,Substance Painter,Cinema 4D,Photoshop。 Github Pages:https://github.com/ShenKSPZ/Devetober-2020/tree/Playable1.1 Itch.io:https://iezons.itch.io/bisa-protocol Project participation in Devtober 2020 and 32 Bit Jam 2020, two GameJams. Ranking of 32 Bit Jam 3rd place finishers (26 projects total)
Tools:Unity,Visual Studio,Aseprite,Photoshop,C#,Shader I responsible for all the game design, level design, 3C design, and all game programming. https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1vj411f78t This is a platform jumping game that borrows and references Azure. Github Page:https://github.com/ShenKSPZ/2D-Platform